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General Royal Studies
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Author(s) | Source Type | Publication Title | Publication Details | Monarch/Figure | Keywords | Period(s) | Place(s) |
Abell�n, Jos� Luis. | Chapter | "Isabel and the Idea of America." | In Isabel la Cat�lica, Queen of Castile: Critical Essays, ed. David Boruchoff, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. | Isabel I of Castile | missionary, conversion | Medieval/Early Modern | Spain |
Abulafia, David. | Chapter | "Ferdinand the Catholic: King and Consort." | In The Man Behind the Queen: Male Consorts in History, eds. Charles Beem and Miles Taylor, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. | Ferdinand the Catholic (Ferdinand II); Isabella of Castile; Juana (Joanna) of Castile; and others | kingship, consort, global exploration, religious uniformity, widowhood, political participation, marital relations | Medieval/Early Modern | Spain |
Adair, Penelope Ann. | Chapter | "Constance of Arles: A Study in Duty and Frustration." | In Capetian Women, ed. Kathleen Nolan, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. | Constance of Arles; Robert II of France | queenship, female power, public attitudes, royal authority, patronage, wealth, marriage/marital relations, mother/motherhood, religious politics/authorities, political & court culture | Medieval | France |
Adair, Penelope. | Chapter | "Countess Clemence: Her Power and its Foundation." | In Queens, Regents and Potentates, ed. Theresa M. Vann, Cambridge: Crampton and Sons Ltd, 1993. | Countess Clemence | female power, familial networks | Medieval | Flanders |
Adams, No�l John Cherry and James Robinson, eds. | Edited Collection | Good Impressions: Image and Authority in Medieval Seals. | London: British Museum, 2008. | Various monarchs | visual imagery, textual representations, seals | Medieval | Europe (Sweden, Denmark, Italy, England) |
Adams, Simon. | Chapter | "The Patronage of the Crown in Elizabethan Politics: The 1590s in Perspective." | In The Reign of Elizabeth I: Court and Culture in the Last Decade, ed. John Guy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. | Elizabeth I of England; references to James VI/I of Scotland/England; Henry VIII of England; and others | queenship, female power, patronage, political & court culture, royal authority, court politics, patronage, factions, influence, nobility/noble families | Early Modern | England |
Adams, Tracy and Glenn Rechtschaffen. | Article | "The Reputation of the Queen and Public Opinion: The Case of Isabeau of Bavaria." | Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality, 47:1, 2011, pp. 5-31. | Isabeau of Bavaria | reputation, propaganda, public opinion | Medieval | France |
Adams, Tracy. | Chapter | "Love as metaphor in Christine de Pizan's Ballade cycles." | In Christine de Pizan: A Casebook, eds. Barbara K. Altmann and Deborah L. McGrady. London: Routledge, 2003. | Christine de Pizan | personal narrative, poetry, gender | Medieval | Italy/France |
Adams, Tracy. | Chapter | "Gender, Reputation, and Female Rule in the World of Brant�me." | In Queenship, Gender, and Reputation in the Medieval and Early Modern West, 1060-1600, eds. Zita Eva Rohr and Lisa Benz, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. | Anne of Brittany; Anne of France; Louise of Savoy; Charles VIII of France; Louis XII of France; and others | queenship, female power, literary representation/depictions, chronicles/narrative accounts, oral traditions, female political authority/governance, reputation/characterisations | Medieval/Early Modern | France |
Adams, Tracy. | Chapter | "Notions of Late Medieval Queenship: Christine de Pizan's Isabeau of Bavaria." | In The Rule of Women in Early Modern Europe, eds. Anne J. Cruz and Mihoko Suzuki, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2009. | Christine de Pizan; Isabeau of Bavaria; references to Charles IV of France; Henry VI of England; Joan of Arc; Charles VIII of France; and others | queenship, literary representation/depictions, reputation, scholarship, political influence/participation, imagery, historical narratives | Medieval | France |
Adams, Tracy. | Monograph | The Life and Afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria. | Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. | Isabeau of Bavaria | queenship, reputation, memory, literary depictions | Medieval | France |
Adams, Tracy. | Article | "Christine de Pizan, Isabeau of Bavaria, and Female Regency." | French Historical Studies, 32:1, 2009, pp. 1�32. | Isabeau of Bavaria/Christine de Pizan | female regency, royal authority, literary depictions | Medieval | France |
Adamson, John. | Edited Collection | Princely Courts of Europe, 1500-1750. | London: Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1999. | Various monarchs | court & political culture, royal palaces, patronage, diplomacy | Early Modern | Europe |
Akerman, Susanna. | Chapter | "On the Impossibility of Abdicating: Queen Christina of Sweden and the Spiritual Crown." | In Women and Sovereignty, ed. Louise Olga Fradenburg, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1992. | Christina of Sweden; Charles II of England; Oliver Cromwell; Charles Gustavus of Sweden; and others | queenship, female power, abdication, conversion, religious image/devotion, political participation, exile, sovereignty, femininity, literary representation/depictions | Early Modern | Sweden |
Akkerman, Nadine, and Birgit Houben. | Edited Collection | The Politics of Female Households: Ladies-in-Waiting across Early Modern Europe. | Leiden: Brill, 2014. | Anna of Denmark; Elizabeth I of England; Mary I of England; Maria of Austria, Holy Roman Empress; Catherine de Medici; Anne of Austria; Henrietta Maria; Katarina Jagellonica; Charles I of England; Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor; Elizabeth of Bourbon; Elizabeth Stuart of Bohemia; Henry VIII; Isabella Clara Eugenia of Austria; Juana of Austria; Louis XIII of France; Louis XIV of France; Margaret of Austria; Marie de Medici; and others | queenship, female agency, royal household, court culture, ladies-in-waiting, female servants/courtiers, access/accessibility, diplomacy, bedchamber, privy chamber, gender roles, political influence/participation, dwarfs, religious politics, patronage, favourite, political/religious/familial/female networks, friendship, public/private roles, structure | Early Modern | Europe |
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