CFP: Counsellors & Counselled
Padova, Italy
12-13 September 2024

Counsellors and Counselled: The Advice to Princes Tradition between the Hundred Years’ War and
the British Interregnum
The organising committee welcomes contributions analysing advice literature directed to
kings and princes, as well works dealing with the delicate balance between king and counsellors, in Medieval and Renaissance Britain. Topic suggestions include – but are not limited to:
Literature of advice to princes in Latin and English
(Dis)continuities between the Medieval and the Early Modern advice tradition
Relationship between counsellors and counselled
Relationship with politics and history
Relationship between literature and political theory
Advice to political actors and its literary echoes in the British Isles
Keynote speakers:
Raluca Radulescu, Bangor University
Andrew Hadfield, University of Sussex
Proposals for 20-minute individual papers can be sent to: and should
include a 350-word abstract and a 100-word biographical note. The deadline for submitting proposals
is 29 February 2024.
Full CFP available below.